Ekta in India

Our Ekta programme took place in India from 2018 - 2019.

From March 2018 to March 2019, we provided 80 women from remote villages from four blocks of Pune district in Maharashtra with business development and entrepreneurial support. We equipped them with relevant skills, knowledge, business networks and confidence to become successful micro enterprise owners.

Through tailored skills training in market linkages, branding and packaging, financial systems and legal structures, as well as mentoring and business development support, we will empower the women to acquire the skills, knowledge, confidence and networks they need to become more competitive entrepreneurs.

Key activities included:

  • Participatory needs assessment with small-scale women producers in rural Maharashtra to define their specific needs and refine the project design.
  • Training imparted in 5 batches, each batch comprising of 15 members. Training using different participatory tools and techniques like lecture, interactive sessions, video clips and role play. The training focussed on business management, financial and digital literacy.
  • Providing local mentors for handholding.

Ekta's impact

83% of participants increased knowledge about business plan development, pricing, marketing, branding, technology, financial services & available networks

Almost all participants were ready and confident to take risks for business development.

47% of participants applied for a loan following the training

Supported by our partners:

Delivered with our partners: