Independent mentors’ stories

We wanted to introduce you to some of the independent mentors starting on the programme, and share their motivations for taking part…





In 2020, we were over the moon to have opened up the opportunity to be a professional mentor in our world-class Mentoring Women in Business programme to anyone! Mentoring is a highly-effective two-way street of growth and development. Our mentors not only support a woman entrepreneur in her business, but also learn new skills and develop existing ones along the way.

This rich and rewarding experience was previously only available to team members of our partner companies, but with the Mentoring programme recently totally revamped—with an exciting new platform meaning even deeper engagement—we’ve decided to welcome even more businesspeople everywhere to participate. And many have already taken the opportunity up!

As our May 2021 intake set off on their year-long mentoring journey, we caught up with a few of our new independent mentors to hear their reasons for joining, and their aspirations for the year ahead…



Kelly Jackson, based in the UK, is Chief People Officer at Luno. Kelly joins the programme bringing her leadership skills, her business strategy skills and networking skills.

“The power of women is incredible, yet so often we find ourselves outside of the circles that can advance us. I believe in the strength of creating communities, of democratising knowledge and of giving access to the tools and resources that will support another woman’s success…. I recognise the privilege that we as a company, and I as an individual have, and I want to use this privilege actively in supporting women who want to become successful in their own right – whatever success looks like to them.”

Mimi Moore, the CEO of a coaching company based in Canada, brings her extensive background in law as well as skills in problem solving, and leadership.

“I have a passion for culture and I love to help and empower women. As a privileged executive, I want to give back to the women of the world and help and make a difference when and where I can. I do a lot of pro bono work currently, and these values are evidenced also by my volunteer work.

Health and wellness is important to me, so helping executive women achieve work-life balance and do work that is meaningful to them is important. It gives purpose and value to the work of women.”

You can find her on LinkedIn here!

Kate Knight is Associate Director, Marketing Excellence in Europe for Mondelez International, and is based in Switzerland. Kate was eager to use her vast marketing and project management skills in a mentoring context.

“I’m joining this programme because I relish working with people from different cultures. I also enjoy watching the individual relationship grow and hopefully see the person develop as a result of mentoring. Having been mentored I believe in paying it forward. I find mentoring hugely fulfilling and these experiences help me continue develop my leadership skills and learn about marketing outside my immediate environment.

As a woman who juggles many roles including being a mum and a successful businesswoman, I believe in supporting other women to achieve their definition of success.”

Find out more about Kate on her LinkedIn profile.

Stephanie Pinker is a UK-based interest rates trader at a global hedge fund. Stephanie comes to the programme with her experience in finance, as well as a wide range of personal development skills such as coping with stress and working well under pressure.

“I couldn’t have achieved my accomplishments without strong, female role models I was lucky to have guide me as I grew up. This built my confidence as a young woman bringing alternative skillsets to varying institutions I’ve worked for, which have been traditionally male dominated. I therefore mentor young people outside of work as helping people develop and achieve their goals are important to me to give back to the community/future generations. I have also volunteered / fundraised for Jewish charities including Aish HaTorah and St John’s Wood Synagogue.”

Steph has also as experience mentoring, and is involved in the ‘100 Women in Finance’ programme, as well as having tutored students in GSCE mathematics. You can find Steph’s LinkedIn profile here!

Josie Jones is a Diversity and Inclusion consultant based in the UK and working for Women in Sport. Josie is a wide skillset, including marketing, business strategy, and research, and has relished opportunities to work in Australasia, The Americas, Eastern Europe and Africa.

“I joined the Mentoring Programme for a number of reasons. First and foremost I’m a mother. I want my girls and my son to grow up in a world where everyone is treated equally and has the same opportunities. Throughout my career I have worked a lot globally, often in some very disadvantaged parts of the world. I have seen first hand the challenges that women face. This mentoring programme provides me with an opportunity to give back and offer support to a women who want to change their trajectory. What could be more rewarding than to be a part of that journey?

In return I’m looking forward to learning more about myself; learning more about my mentee and her journey; and developing and honing my mentoring skills which to date have been people working in similar environments to mine. I’m also looking forward to discussing the journey with my children to help them understand the value of listening and supporting others.”

You can find her on LinkedIn here!

Ruth Melches, based in Germany, works as a strategy consultant for PWC. Ruth brings her expertise in business strategy as well as skills in time management and working well under pressure.

“I am passionate about fostering women to achieve financial, economic independence. Currently a substantial portion of the global workforce lies dormant without the appropriate resources but with enough willpower to lift themselves out of it. I would like to play part in providing these resources. This will give our global economy new players, new minds to draw from bringing in innovative ideas and different ways of working. Diversity in and of itself is desirable – it makes our companies and governments more resilient.

Women around the world are unfairly kept from achieving their potential. They deserve a seat at the table and I believe that a mentoring scheme can provide the needed knowledge transfer, connections and resources which some women otherwise wouldn’t have access to. Lastly, sometimes one just needs someone else to talk to. I know I have, and I now want to be that person for someone else.”

Find out more about Ruth on her LinkedIn profile.

Become a mentor and be a business hero

Becoming a mentor offers business professionals the chance to play a pivotal role in an entrepreneur’s business growth at a critical stage of her business. We recruit mentors for our mentoring programmes three times a year, in April, July and October. Sign up to our e-newsletter using the form below to hear when this opportunity goes live.

Find out more!
Mentor and Mentee pair